In general, we as human beings are not good at satisfying our desires. While many of us know how to temporarily relieve craving, that does not result in lasting satisfaction.

The reason that satisfaction eludes so many of us is easy to understand intellectually but difficult to correct: suffering arises because of a lack of confidence in the law of karma, i.e., that good begets good.

If a belief in the law of karma becomes firmly rooted in a person, that person does not need to suffer very much. Why is that true? Because such a person will devote her energy towards doing things that lead to happiness and will avoid doing things that are useless or lead to suffering.

The most powerful of good actions is the act of bringing the mind into the present moment because satisfaction is impossible when the mind is lamenting the past or grasping for the future. If we train the mind through insight meditation, present moment awareness will become the norm rather than the exception, and satisfaction will come to us naturally.

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