There are many different types of people and hence many different types of meditation students. What determines whether a person will succeed at gaining insight? One of the most important underlying factors is a person’s karma.

When we sit down to meditate, will we be able to face the memories that come to mind? If we have not been following the Buddha’s advice for right action which is to refrain from killing, stealing, committing adultery, lying or using drugs and alcohol, we will have to acknowledge our past decisions. This may be unpleasant but necessary if we are to let go of the past.

Conversely, if we have had a history of giving, of helping other beings and of refraining from causing other beings to suffer, than our meditation experience will reflect that as well.

Most of us, when we come to practice, will have a mixed history accompanied by fairly complicated karma. Regardless of what we did before and the choices we’ve made, this can normally be overshadowed by our decision to come and to seek insight.

If our desire for insight is strong enough we can overcome any obstacle with the power of mental noting. Through this training, we can then see clearly what kinds of actions will lead us to happiness and what kinds of actions will set us back to suffering. This kind of wisdom is unrivaled in its value and is the true mark of success in meditation.

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