Most of us don’t get much time away from work to take vacations so they are very precious. It is therefore important to plan that time very carefully so as to make the best use of it. What would be a sign that we’re using that time wisely? If we find that when we return from a vacation we are more tired than when we left, whatever we were doing while we were away may not have been the best use of our time.

If, on the other hand, we find that when we get back from our vacation we are well rested and energized to take on work again, that would be a good indication that we’re on to something.

However, the best indication that we’re spending our time wisely is if, when we return we’re not only energized about working, but we’re also more certain of our strategic priorities. To put this another way, if our ideal outcome would be to spend more time on spiritual pursuits as well as with friends and family, we ought to prioritize those restful activities that also make us more likely to succeed in our businesses. Then we would have more time to go around because we would not need to work as hard.

The next time you’re planning a vacation, we therefore suggest that it would be an excellent use of your limited time if you devoted some of it to meditation practice. Your investment will be repaid many times over when you return to work, energized and purposeful.

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