Our teacher Ven. Ajahn Tong says that we should all maintain a daily meditation practice. If we are not doing a home retreat and we cannot devote a lot of time to meditation practice, a short 10-15 minute routine is sufficient to maintain momentum. Another of our teachers, Khun Thanat, likes to draw an analogy to the Indian barber who gives shaves on the side of the road. To ensure that he’s always ready to give a shave, that barber has to keep his knife sharp all the time. Similarly, we should ensure that our ability to maintain present moment awareness stays sharp by working on a daily meditation routine. It very important to stay sharp in our daily lives by being mindful of what we are doing during our tasks and activities. This habit brings us immeasurable benefit because not only does help us to make wise decisions as we go throughout the day, it also helps us to enjoy each moment that arises.

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(3) Build Determination, E. Freedom from Craving