Are you working on your meditation practice to your full potential? Chances are you can do more than you think. If you have doubts about whether you can do a meditation retreat, don’t worry. Those feelings are normal. But don’t let them hold you back. The Buddha gave us a beautiful method for overcoming these types of feelings.

The method is to bring the mind into the present moment. When we are mindful right now we can see that this moment, by itself, is bearable. But when we wander into the future or the past, the mind can quickly come to the conclusion that there is an immediate need to avoid whatever is challenging us.

If you want to make progress with your spiritual practice, you will need to devote resources to it. That means that you will need to overcome your doubts and fears. The first step to this can be accomplished, without much effort at all, which is to register for an upcoming meditation course that suits your schedule. The rest will follow naturally because the highest good karma comes from investing in your own insight meditation practice.

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