We would like to invite you to contact us if you are interested in booking a 15-day basic course or, for students who have completed the basic course, a 10-day retreat during the following dates in March (the centre will be closed in February):

  • March 18 to April 2 (2 spaces available)

If you would like to attend the March course, please contact us at info@buddhavipassana.ca. The cost for the course will be by donation with a refundable deposit to reserve your place.

Please note: to minimize the number of people coming through the centre and to limit the costs of cleaning and administration, we are maintaining a minimum booking length of 15 days for new students or 10 days for students who have completed the 15 day basic course. Weekend retreats remain suspended. We will be booking a maximum of three people per retreat which means that all participants will have their own room.

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