When we get afflicted with doubt, it can be very damaging to our commitment to spiritual progress. Even if we have devoted significant time and other resources towards inner reflection and charitable pursuits, doubt can arise and then there is the danger that we will decide not to invest resources in our long-term happiness, where it matters the most.

The reason that doubt can have this powerfully negative effect is that we can be seduced by a conception of the situation that is overly dependent on an obsession with the past or with the future. If we are consumed with regret, that is a sign that we are paying too much attention to the past and if we are consumed with worry, that is a sign that we are paying too much attention to the future.

If we train ourselves to bring the mind into the present moment, then we will know what actions are useful for us to take right now and we will no longer waste time worrying about past or future. If we do this on a repeated basis, the doubt will eventually subside because we will start to see the results of our consistent and useful work.

The Buddhist refuge has three elements: the Buddha himself and his example, the Buddha’s teaching and the community of people who help each other practice meditation. If we hope to overcome doubt, it is not sufficient to rely on only the first two elements. We all need guidance, encouragement and feedback from teachers. For this reason, we encourage you to devote your time to an upcoming retreat where we can provide you with the training you need to put doubt behind you and walk confidently towards happiness.

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(2) Leave Doubt Behind