With this message we offer you our warmest wishes for the winter season and the upcoming new year.

At this time we would like to invite you to contact us if you are interested in booking a 15-day basic course or, for students who have completed the basic course, a 10-day retreat during the following dates in January (the centre will be closed in February):

  • January 10 to January 25 (2 spaces available)

If you would like to attend the January course, please review the vaccine policy and contact us at info@buddhavipassana.ca. The cost for the course will be by donation with a refundable deposit to reserve your place.

Please note: to minimize the number of people coming through the centre and to limit the costs of cleaning and administration, we are maintaining a minimum booking length of 15 days for new students or 10 days for students who have completed the 15 day basic course. Weekend retreats remain suspended. We will be booking a maximum of three people per retreat which means that all participants will have their own room.

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