The purpose of any coach is to train people to become more skilled at a given task. If you think that you need help to organize your life, i.e., you want to become more skilled at life in general you’re probably not alone. It might not be desirable for you, for various reasons, however, to hire a person to help you organize your work, family and social priorities. With a bit of regular training and practice, these are tasks that you can do for yourself.

The central theme is to identify some fairly simple goals for yourself about what you want out of life and how you want to spend your time. This may seem mundane at first, but it is actually a spiritual exercise to reflect on our lives and ask whether or not they are fulfilling. Just like any task, your reflective endeavor will be a lot more successful if you do it in a structured way using a long established and credible method.

The Buddha understood the vast diversity of humanity while also recognizing our similarities. He exploited these realities to design an effective and structured technique to train us to become more efficient. His method takes advantage of the fact the our minds are structured in the same way but also allows for the realization of solutions that connect to each of our different characters or personalities.

This method is to direct our awareness to what we are doing on a regular and repeated basis. When we do this, our desires and hopes come to the surface naturally for us to examine them. This examination soon leads to clarity about what types of activities we should prioritize and what types of activities we should abandon. This clarity of purpose is what will lead us towards happiness and away from suffering. In other words, by learning to practice insight meditation, we begin the process of coaching ourselves to become more skillful at life.

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(2) Identify Your Goals, A. Success and Stress-Free Living