If we reflect on our lives carefully, we will inevitably perceive a pervasive emptiness. This emptiness is not there because there is something missing from our lives such as family, friends or a great job. All of those will eventually fade away because nothing about this world is permanent. The reason that we perceive emptiness is because it is a natural feature of human existence. The moment we accept this reality is the moment that we have the ability to cross over from a mundane worldly existence into a spiritual existence.

Here are my personal suggestions of a few reasons why spirituality expressed through insight meditation is superior to worldly pursuits. Firstly, there is no limit to the amount of resources that are available in a spiritual world. We don’t have to ration access or compete for it the way we do in the physical world. That way everyone can have as much as they want and we can all enjoy happiness together. Secondly, happiness born of understanding through insight meditation does not tarnish or fade over time whereas other forms of happiness cannot last forever. Thirdly, a spiritual existence does not preclude worldly happiness: they can co-exist quite nicely but the most extreme forms of worldly pursuits are often incompatible with spirituality.

With these suggestions in mind, we have found that insight meditation has many benefits that cannot be found anywhere else. A chance to do an insight meditation retreat is a great opportunity to build up and strengthen our spiritual side so that we’re not so dependent on the uncertainty and emptiness of worldly pursuits.

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