If you are reading this message, it’s because you have already decided that you want to find the meaning of life. It sounds like a cliché but isn’t it true? So if that is our goal, what is stopping us from taking that next obvious step?

Working towards our goals turns out to be a series of fairly dull tasks. It’s simply a matter of doing the things that lead to what we want. Inevitably, as we set about doing those things, we are going to run into obstacles and it is how we respond to those obstacles that will determine whether or not we succeed.

How many of us are discouraged from taking positive action because we’re worried about problems that have yet to arise? The mind is quite tricky and can easily come up with all sorts of reasons why our chosen path might not work out later.

If we have a firm understanding of what we want to accomplish, there is no reason that we should allow tomorrow’s problems to stand in our way. Through insight meditation training, we can learn to repeatedly label what is happening and bring the mind back into the present moment where, if there are problems, they are quite manageable.

Once we learn to label what is happening and bring the mind to what is happening now, we can see that living a life of satisfaction is attainable. The Buddha made this clear when he said, “Enlightenment exists. The path to Enlightenment exists. The One who points out the path to Enlightenment exists. If you do not walk along this Path, How will you ever reach Enlightenment?”

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(4) The Courage to Learn