I am writing to inform you of a temporary change to our policies based on the advice of Ontario’s Chief Medical Officer of Health and Toronto’s Medical Officer of Health. Our centre will remain open for the time being but with the following policy changes to help limit the spread of the virus and to protect you if you decide to attend a retreat. These changes will be effective immediately and remain in effect until April 5th. I will write a follow-up email if there is any change in this information.

1. You may cancel your booking for any reason or no reason and without prior notice for a full cash refund provided you do not attend. To limit administrative costs and because of uncertainty of when things will return to normal, we will not be doing re-bookings during this period. If you intend to cancel please give us as much notice as you can.

2. If you have been anywhere outside of Canada within 14 days prior to your retreat, please do not attend. Instead, we encourage you to follow the advice of Toronto’s Medical Officer of Health which is to self-isolate and avoid contact with others for 14 days.

3. We regret that generally we will no longer accept booking from people outside of Canada. The one exception is if you have already been in Canada for 14 days prior to booking and have no plans to leave Canada before your course.

4. If you feel unwell with cold or flu like symptoms or have been in contact with a person who exhibited such symptoms within 14 days of your retreat, please do not attend and please provide us notice as soon as possible.

In preparing these policy changes, we carefully considered whether or not to close completely but have decided against that unless we are advised to do so by our public officials. We decided instead to give you the option of whether or not to attend and to protect you by limiting access to the centre to only those people who are not high risk.

I have been monitoring communications from our public officials very closely over the past several days and I will continue to do so in order to update this policy.

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