Many students coming to our centre tell us that they have anxiety which is affecting their daily lives. Some even are taking medicine to help calm them down when they become too overwhelmed. While the medicine seems to help them in the short term, the long term problem of recurrent overwhelming anxiety keeps returning. Many students tell us that this is one of the reasons why they want to learn how to meditate.

At the Buddhavipassana Meditation Centre we do not consider anxiety as necessarily a bad thing. In fact, we use it as a learning tool to find a deeper meaning into the true nature of reality. Using the Method of Vipassana Meditation passed down to us from The Buddha, we teach students how to observe the feeling of anxiety, from the moment it appears until it passes away on its own. This observation is very powerful and can bring about a great understanding. From this understanding, then peacefulness can follow. Therefore the anxiety actually is the cause that eventually helps the students understand something about themselves, about life in general and even how to find a peacefulness within ourselves. That is why, if we have the right tools, anxiety is not necessarily a bad thing.

If you would like to learn how to see the bright side in otherwise seemingly “negative” feelings, we invite you to book your retreat at the Buddhavipassana Meditation Centre. Here, under the guidance of an experienced teacher you will see how the Buddha’s Teachings can help you use anxiety to find peace.

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