Our time is our most valuable resource, certainly more valuable than money because to earn money requires an investment of time, at least at some point. If we have too many demands on our time to do what we believe is important, our top priority should be to correct that situation.
The problem when we are too busy is always the same. If we devote too much time to activities that only yield fleeting positive results, those kinds of activities will become habitual and there will be less and less time for devotion to our long-term well being. By contrast, if we devote more time to activities that lead to long-term well-being, we will not need to work as hard because we will be sustained by long-term results of our work.
If we keep working at a more moderate pace, we can eventually make being over-busy a thing of the past if that is in fact what we want. The method to be used to convert our habits from unfortunate to fruitful is not complicated. It is simply to start doing the things that we know will lead to a better life.
The most valuable place to start is to train ourselves to become aware of what is happening in the present moment. If you make refining that habit your goal, a peaceful abiding will never elude you.